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Extends the generics-based TStringList<T> for data <T> that are constrained to be classes.

The    OwnsData property controls whether the data is freed when the string is deleted.

Namespace: RSGenerics.Collections

Type Parameters



OnChange occurs for every change made to the list, regardless of whether the application calls BeginUpdate and EndUpdate around a series of changes.

public property


Occurs immediately before the list of strings changes.

Write an OnChanging event handler to prepare for changes in the list of strings. For example, if the string list is associated with a control, the OnChanging event handler could tell the control to disable repaints until the RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.OnChange event is triggered, notifying the control that the list has finished changing.

Whenever strings in the list are added, deleted, moved, or modified, the following events take place:

An OnChanging event occurs before the change.

The strings are added, deleted, moved, or modified.

An OnChange event occurs.


OnChanging occurs for every change made to the list, regardless of whether the application calls BeginUpdate and EndUpdate around a series of changes.

public property


Controls whether the data is freed when a string is deleted.

public property


Specifies whether to free the associated Object when a string is deleted from the string list. (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

public property


Specifies whether the strings in the list should be automatically sorted.

Set Sorted to true to cause the strings in the list to be automatically sorted in ascending order. Set Sorted to false to allow strings to remain where they are inserted. When Sorted is false, the strings in the list can be put in ascending order at any time by calling the     Sort method.

When Sorted is true, do not use Insert to add strings to the list. Instead, use Add, which will insert the new strings in the appropriate position. When Sorted is false, use Insert to add strings to an arbitrary position in the list, or Add to add strings to the end of the list.


The     CaseSensitive property controls whether the strings in the list are sorted based on a case-sensitive or case-insensitive comparison. The sort order takes into account the locale of the system on which the application is running.


RiverSoftAVG Products Help © 1996-2016 Thomas G. Grubb