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Extends the FMX.RS.Charts.TRS2DChartValue class to provide the properties and methods needed to describe one path shape. The TRSPathChartValue class is used by the FMX.RS.Charts.TRSPathChart component.

Namespace: FMX.RS.Charts

expandingInheritance Hierarchy




  TRSPathChartValue = class(TRS2DChartValue)





public constructor


Initializes a new instance of the TRSPathChartValue class. (Overrides FMX.RS.Charts.TRS2DChartValue.Create(TCollection).)

public destructor


Represents the destructor of the TRSPathChartValue class.






published property


Specifies the location of the Caption within the 2D boundaries of the path shape. Use the Alignment property to position your text within the path shape.

published property


Provides access to the   Value property as a TDateTime value.

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

Usually this property provides access to the first dimension (X) of the value array. However, descendant classes can change which dimension this property accesses.

public property


Represents property AsDateTimes[Integer]. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

published property


Specifies the color and pattern for filling the path shape. Set the Brush property to specify the color and pattern to use when drawing the background or filling in the path shape. The value of Brush is a TBrush object. Set the properties of the TBrush object to specify the color and pattern or bitmap to use when filling in the path shape on the canvas.

published property


Provides a caption or description of the chart value. This value will only be drawn if coLabelEachPoint is in the chart's   Options property. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

public property


Specifies the FMX.RS.Charts.TRSPathChartValues instance to
which this Item belongs. Each collection item belongs to the
collection which creates it. The Collection property
points to the collection object to which the value belongs.

published property


Specifies the color of this individual value, e.g., the color of the bar or the point or the shape. When coColorEachPoint is in the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart.Options property, this color is drawn by the chart. When coColorEachPoint is not in the the Options property, the Color of the chart is used. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

public property


Contains the Path Data modified to fit within its X, Y, Width, Height rectangle (   ShapeRect). The Current Path Data is used for drawing the path while preserving the original Data if its boundaries change.

published property


Defines the path data for the path chart value. The path data is a FMX.Graphics.TPathData-type path data (with extensions and bug fixed), describing curves and lines, contained in the TRSPathData object.

published property


Specifies the font used to draw each path shape's Caption. Set Font to specify the font to use for writing text. The value of Font is a TFont object. Set the properties of the TFont object to specify the font face, color, size, style, and any other aspects of the font.

published property


The Height and   Width properties specify the size of the path shape. Set Height or Width to change the size of the path shape. Using the X, Y, Width and Height properties, you specify the exact rectangle where the path shape will be drawn.

public property


Returns True if the   Current Path Data needs to be updated because of changes to the Data or the   ShapeRect.


If NeedPathUpdate is true, the next time this path is drawn, the     UpdatePath method will be called first (and NeedPathUpdate will be false thereafter)

published property


Specifies the opacity of the value when drawn. The opacity is a value between 0 (invisible) and 1 (fully opaque). Any value in-between controls the transparency of the value.

alert_cautionImportant Note

This is an FMX only feature. Any value > 0 is drawn fully opaque in the VCL version

protected property


Represents property Options. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

published property


Specifies the kind of pen the chart graphic area uses for outlining the path shape. Set Pen to specify the pen to use for outlining the path shape. The value of Pen is a TRSPen object (TPen in VCL and TStrokeBrush in FMX). Set the properties of the TRSPen object to specify the color, style, width, and mode of the pen.

published property


Specifies the scale factor for the value. A scale factor of 1 (default) draws the value at its normal size within the chart. Change the scale factor to shrink or grow the value within the chart (for drawing purposes only) (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

public property


Determines whether the chart value is selected. Use the Selected property to select or deselect a chart value. Selected chart values are displayed with the   SelectionColor of the chart panel.
 (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

public property


Returns the rectangle bounded by the X, Y, Width, and Height properties

published property


Provides user-defined storage that is associated with the value (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

published property


Returns the main (or only) dimension in a chart value - which dimension is returned is based on the chart type. A chart value, depending on the chart type, can contain 1 or more dimensional values that define the chart value.

For example, each chart value in a bar chart contains 1 value (defining the height of the bar), line chart values contains 2 dimensions: X and Y, and shape chart values contain 4 dimensions: X, Y, Width, and Height. The     ValueCount property returns the number of dimensions in the chart value. Use the Values property to access each dimension in the chart value (Note that TRSChartValue descendant classes expose properties, such as X and Y, which are safer to access the specific dimension of the value. You should not count on a specific dimension index to contain a specific property).

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

To change which dimension is returned by this Value, override the GetDefValue and     SetDefValue methods

public property


Returns the number of dimensions in the chart value. A chart value, depending on the chart type, can contain 1 or more dimensional values that define the chart value.

For example, each chart value in a bar chart contains 1 value (defining the height of the bar), line chart values contains 2 dimensions: X and Y, and shape chart values contain 4 dimensions: X, Y, Width, and Height.

Use the Values property to access each dimension in the chart value. The Value property in comparison returns the main (or only) dimension in a chart value - which dimension is returned is based on the chart type.


Note that TRSChartValue descendant classes expose properties, such as X and Y, which are safer to access the specific dimension of the value. You should not count on a specific dimension index to contain a specific property

public property


Returns the value for the dimension in the chart value. A chart value, depending on the chart type, can contain 1 or more dimensional values that define the chart value.

For example, each chart value in a bar chart contains 1 value (defining the height of the bar), line chart values contains 2 dimensions: X and Y, and shape chart values contain 4 dimensions: X, Y, Width, and Height.

Use the Values property to access each dimension in the chart value. The Value property in comparison returns the main (or only) dimension in a chart value - which dimension is returned is based on the chart type.


Note that TRSChartValue descendant classes expose properties, such as X and Y, which are safer to access the specific dimension of the value. You should not count on a specific dimension index to contain a specific property

The ValueCount will equal the DimensionCount of the collection.

published property


Determines whether the chart value is visible or not. Use the Visible property to change the visibility of the chart value. Even if the Visible property is True, the chart value may still not be visible if the chart axis is zoomed. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

published property


The Height and   Width properties specify the size of the path shape. Set Height or Width to change the size of the path shape. Using the X, Y, Width and Height properties, you specify the exact rectangle where the path shape will be drawn.

published property


Represents property X. (Inherited from FMX.RS.Charts.TRS2DChartValue.)

published property


Represents property XAsDateTime. (Inherited from FMX.RS.Charts.TRS2DChartValue.)

published property


Represents property Y. (Inherited from FMX.RS.Charts.TRS2DChartValue.)

published property


Represents property YAsDateTime. (Inherited from FMX.RS.Charts.TRS2DChartValue.)

protected property


Provide access to the third dimension of the   Values property formatted as a TDateTime. The   XAsDateTime,   YAsDateTime, and   ZAsDateTime properties provide access to the first three dimensions of the Values property formatted as a TDateTime

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

These properties have protected visibility in the class, but descendant classes (e.g., RSCharts|TRS2DChartValue and TRS3DChartvalue ) publish the properties to provide more explanatory access to the dimensions of the Values property.

Remember to also publish the       X, Y, and Z properties

protected property


Provide access to the third dimension of the     Values property. The     X, Y, and     Z properties provide access to the first three dimensions of the Values property.

Use the X, Y, and Z property to access the coordinates of a point.

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

These properties have protected visibility in the class, but descendant classes (e.g., RSCharts|TRS2DChartValue and TRS3DChartvalue ) publish the properties to provide more explanatory access to the dimensions of the Values property.

Remember to also publish the       XAsDateTime,       YAsDateTime, and       ZAsDateTime properties






public method


Represents method Assign(TPersistent). (Overrides FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.Assign(TPersistent).)

protected method


Overloaded. Represents method Changed(TObject).

protected method


Represents method GetAsDateTime(Integer). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

protected method


Returns the "default" value for the chart, e.g., Y for 2D charts. This method is called by the     Value property.

The     GetDefValue and     SetDefValue methods use the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.DefaultDimension to figure out which Values dimension to read and write.

protected method


Represents method GetDisplayName. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

protected method


Represents method GetIntValue(Integer). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

protected method


Represents method GetValue(Integer). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

protected method


Represents method Loaded. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

public method


Returns true if the value is within the selection rectangle. Descendant classes override this method to signal whether the value is selected or not. (Overrides FMX.RS.Charts.TRS2DChartValue.Selectable(TRSRect,TRSChartSelectionAction).)

protected method


Overloaded. Returns True if the Value should be selected. This depends on the   Selected state and if the value rectangle intersects with the selection rectangle. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

protected method


Represents method SelectionChanged. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

protected method


Represents method SetAsDateTime(Integer,TDateTime). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

protected method


Represents method SetColor(TCanvasColor). (Overrides FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.SetColor(TCanvasColor).)

protected method


Sets the "default" value for the chart, e.g., X for 2D charts. This method is called by the     Value property.

Change the     GetDefValue and     SetDefValue methods for TRSChartValue descendants that don't have their default dimension as 0.

protected method


Represents method SetIntValue(Integer,Integer). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

protected method


Represents method SetValue(Integer,TRSChartValueType). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

public method


Transforms the Current Path Data (i.e., the original   Data is untouched, only the   Current path is updated) to fit within the specified rectangle. By default, the aspect ratio of the original path is preserved.

protected method


Represents method ValueChanged(Integer). (Overrides FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.ValueChanged(Integer).)

public method


Returns a comma-delimited string of the floating-point values of the Value. The Fmt property specifies how to format the floating-point values (see FormatFloat function from Delphi's help). The Parentheses property controls if parentheses are put around the comma-delimited string. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)

protected method


Represents method VisibleChanged. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)






protected field


Represents field FValues. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.)


expandingSee Also

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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb