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Pie Charts & Donut Charts

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Pie Charts display 1D data in a pie.  The display size of the pie slices are proportional to the sum of all pie slices in the pie.
Pie Charts display 1D data in a pie.  The display size of the pie slices are proportional to the sum of all pie slices in the pie.
Donut Charts are similar to Pie Charts.  You can control the inner and outer radius of the donut.
Donut Charts are similar to Pie Charts.  You can control the inner and outer radius of the donut.
Donut Charts can be combined by just setting a different inner and outer radius.  Each donut piece has a scale.  By setting the scale greater than 1, the donut piece is pushed outward.
Donut Charts can be combined by just setting a different inner and outer radius.  Each donut piece has a scale.  By setting the scale greater than 1, the donut piece is pushed outward.

The Donut+ Chart (TRSDonutChartEx) allows more control of where and how big you create your donut pieces.  It can combine donut pieces and pie slices.
The Donut+ Chart (TRSDonutChartEx) allows more control of where and how big you create your donut pieces.  It can combine donut pieces and pie slices.

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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb