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TRSGPCanvas.DrawDashRect(TRectF,Single,Single,TRSCorners,Single,TAlphaColor) Method

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Draws a rectangle with rounded corners, using the standard TRSGPPen, on the current canvas.

DrawDashRect draws the ARect rectangle with rounded corners, with the standard TRSGPPen, which has the following parameters: AColor color, Solid color pattern, Dash dashed line, and 1 pixel pen thickness.

Namespace: RSGdiPlusGraphics




Type: TRectF

Specifies the rectangle to be drawn.


Type: Single

Specifies the distance from a corner to the start point of the customization, on horizontal sides. The maximum value of XRadius is half of the rectangle's width.


Type: Single

Specifies the distance from a corner to the start point of the customization, on vertical sides. The maximum value of YRadius is half of the rectangle's height.


Type: TRSCorners

Specifies the corners to apply the customization to. ACorners can contain a set of constants defined in the TRSCorner type: crTopLeft, crTopRight, crBottomLeft, and crBottomRight. To apply the customization to all the corners, use the AllCorners constant


Type: Single

Specifies the transparency of the Stroke or ABrush color.


Type: TAlphaColor

Specifies the color of the pen

expandingSee Also

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RiverSoftAVG SVG Component Library (RSCL) © 2013-2016, Thomas G. Grubb