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TRSGPCanvas.FillText(TRectF,string,Boolean,Single,TRSGPFillTextFlags,TRSGPFont,TRSGPStringAlignment,TRSGPStringAlignment) Method

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Displays a text string on a specified rectangle area of the current canvas.

FillText is implemented by the TCanvas descendants to display a text string with the specified alignment and the specified font. The text is displayed in a specified rectangle area of the current canvas.

Namespace: RSGdiPlusGraphics




Type: TRectF

Rectangle area where the text is displayed.


Type: string

Text to display.


Type: Boolean

Word wrapping option. If it is True, it indicates that words are broken across lines to avoid text overflowing the layout box. If it is set to False, it indicates that words are kept within the same line even when the text overflows the layout box.


Type: Single

Transparency of the Fill color. AOpacity takes values between 0 and 1. If AOpacity is 1, the text is completely opaque; if it is 0, the text is completely transparent. The values over 1 are treated as 1, and the ones under 0 are treated as 0.


Type: TRSGPFillTextFlags

Reading direction of AText. For more information, see FMX.Graphics.TFillTextFlag.


Type: TRSGPFont

Font to draw the text in


Type: TRSGPStringAlignment

Horizontal alignment of the text within ARect.


Type: TRSGPStringAlignment

Vertical alignment of the text within ARect. AVTextAlign is optional. By default, it is set to Center.

expandingSee Also

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RiverSoftAVG SVG Component Library (RSCL) © 2013-2016, Thomas G. Grubb