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public enumeration


Defines extended font styles for the TSVGFont class

fsBlink is not supported by the RSCL.

public enumeration


Defines the SVG align type, which specifies the alignment of the SVG document or viewport within a parent.

public enumeration


Defines the SVG color interpolation type, which specifies the color space for gradient interpolations and alpha compositing.

public enumeration


Defines the SVG color rendering type, which provides a hint to the SVG library about how to optimize its color interpolation and compositing operations.

public enumeration


Defines the SVG unit type, which defines the coordinate system for other SVG attributes.

public enumeration


Defines the SVG curstor type, which specifies the type of cursor to be displayed when over the SVG element

public enumeration


Defines the different SVG element types in an SVG document and can be created by the SVG library

public enumeration


Defines the features for the SVG ‘requiredFeatures’ attribute. In some cases the features map directly to a set of attributes, properties or elements, in others they represent some functionality of the user agent (that it is a dynamic viewer for example)

public enumeration


Defines the SVG fill rule type, which indicates the algorithm which is to be used to determine what parts of the canvas are included inside the shape. For a simple, non-intersecting path, it is intuitively clear what region lies "inside"; however, for a more complex path, such as a path that intersects itself or where one subpath encloses another, the interpretation of "inside" is not so obvious.

public enumeration


Defines the absolute font size type for the SVG 'font-size' attribute.

public enumeration


Defines the SVG font style type, which specifies whether the text is to be rendered using a normal, italic or oblique face.

public enumeration


Defines the font weight type for the SVG 'font-weight' attribute, e.g., the boldness or lightness of the glyphs used to render the text, relative to other fonts in the same font family

public enumeration


Defines the generic font families. The generic font family are used if one or more of the other fonts in a font set is unavailable when defining the font-family of a text element. The following generic families are defined: 'serif', 'sans-serif', ' cursive', 'fantasy', and 'monospace'

public enumeration


Defines the gradient spread type, which indicates what happens if the gradient starts or ends inside the bounds of the target rectangle.

public enumeration


Defines the image wrap mode for the SVG library, which specifies whether and how to resize, replicate, and position the image for rendering the control surface.

public enumeration


Defines the SVG marker unit type, which defines the coordinate system for SVG attributes ‘markerWidth’, ‘markerHeight’ and the contents of the ‘marker’.

public enumeration


Defines the options of the SVG document

public enumeration


Defines the different CSS2 selector types used in the SVG library. Selectors are used to match styles with SVG elements.

public enumeration


Defines the SVG shape rendering type, which provides a hint to the SVG library about what tradeoffs to make as it renders vector graphics elements such as path elements and basic shapes such as circles and rectangles

public enumeration


Defines the SVG style properties or attributes

public enumeration


Defines the SVG Text Align Type, which is used to align (start-, middle- or end-alignment) a string of text relative to a given point

public enumeration


Defines the SVG text anchor type, similar to the FMX.Types. TTextAlign type, in that it is used to align (start-, middle- or end-alignment) a string of text relative to a given point

public enumeration


Defines the SVG text decoration type, similar to the TFontStyle type, and describes decorations that are added to the text of an element. The RSCL does not support the blink value.

public enumeration


Defines the SVG text rendering type, which provides a hint to the SVG library about what tradeoffs to make as it renders text.

public enumeration


Defines the SVG unit type, which specifies the different units of measurement that can be specified for a SVG length


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RiverSoftAVG SVG Component Library (RSCL) © 2013-2015, Thomas G. Grubb