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DefFunctions have the following syntax:


(deffunction <function-name> (<argument>*)

["optional comment"]



where <function-name> must be a unique name and

<statement> = <constant>|<variable>|<function-call>


Note: Only the last value that is a statement is printed.  For example with the deffunction, "(deffunction say-anything (?X) (printout t ?X) Hello 1.5)", if you call it with "(say-anything "Greetings!")", the output will be :





Note: Brackets ([) and (]) define optional elements of the construct.  The (|) character defines an or condition.  An asterisk (*) defines zero or more of the preceding element (or disjunction of elements).  A plus sign (+) defines one or more of the preceding element.


Valid DefFunction Definitions


(deffunction ask-name (?myname)

  (printout t "What is your name?")

  (printout t "Welcome " (readline) "!  My name is " ?myname ".  Shall we play a game?"))


(deffunction ask-start-again ()

  (printout t "Play again? (y/n) ")

  (if (eq (read) y) then

    (assert (phase choose-player))))


(deffunction print-moved-message (?A ?B)

  "An optional comment"

  (printout t ?A " moved on top of " ?B "." crlf)



Invalid DefFunction Definitions


(deffunction ask-name      <- missing argument list

  (printout t "What is your name?")

  (printout t "Welcome " (readline) "!  My name is " ?myname ".  Shall we play a game?"))

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