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Navigation: Code Documentation > RSFMXSVG > FMX.RS.SVG > Classes > TSVGElement > Methods

TSVGElement.RemoveChangeNotification(TSVGElement) Method

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Disables the change notification that was enabled by FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.ChangeNotification(TSVGElement) .
RemoveChangeNotification removes the element specified by the aListener parameter from the internal list of elements to be notified that an element has changed. aListener is added to this list by a previous call to the ChangeNotification method.
Most applications have no need to call RemoveChangeNotification. It is used by TSVGElement to inform other elements when they have been changed or are going to be destroyed. For example, the TSVGUse element uses this mechanism to know when to redraw because its Reference element has changed

Namespace: FMX.RS.SVG



Type: TSVGElement

RiverSoftAVG Products Help © 1996-2016 Thomas G. Grubb