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Navigation: Code Documentation > RSFMXSVG > FMX.RS.SVG > Classes > TSVGGraphicElement > Properties

TSVGGraphicElement.Direction Property

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Specifies the base writing direction of text.

The ‘direction’ property applies only to glyphs oriented perpendicular to the inline-progression-direction, which includes the usual case of horizontally-oriented Latin or Arabic text and the case of narrow-cell Latin or Arabic characters rotated 90 degrees clockwise relative to a top-to-bottom inline-progression-direction.

Within text content elements, the alignment of text with regards to the ‘text-anchor’ property is determined by the value of the ‘direction’ property. For example, given a ‘text’ element with a ‘text-anchor’ value of "end", for a ‘direction’ value of "ltr", the text will extend to the left of the position of the ‘text’ element's ‘x’ attribute value, while for ‘direction’ value of "rtl", the text will extend to the right of the position of the ‘text’ element's ‘x’ attribute value.

Namespace: FMX.RS.SVG

Property Value

Type: TSVGDirection

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