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Navigation: Code Documentation > GeneticAlgorithm > RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming > Classes > TRSCustomGeneticProgrammingExecutor<T> > Methods

TRSCustomGeneticProgrammingExecutor<T>.LoadFromStream(TStream) Method

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Load the genetic programming scenario from a stream. The  Instructions property will contain the read instructions, and the  GPProgram property will contain the genetic program of the fittest individual.


A genetic programming reader/writer reads and writes the metadata about instructions (i.e., name, arity, comment) but does not actually read or write the OnExecute code themselves. After reading a genetic programming scenario, you need to add OnExecute event handlers to instructions.

alert_cautionImportant Note

When reading a genetic programming scenario, the reader will attempt to match currently existing instructions to instruction names in the scenario. IF an instruction is found, the instruction will be preserved (including its OnExecute event).

After reading the scenario, any previous instructions not found in the scenario will be deleted.

Namespace: RSGenerics.GeneticProgramming



Type: TStream



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