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TVclCanvasHelper.Polyline(TRSPoints) Method

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Draws a series of lines on the canvas connecting the points passed in and closing the shape by drawing a line from the last point to the first point.

Use Polyline to draw a closed, many-sided shape on the canvas, using the value of the Pen.

The Points parameter is an array of points that give the vertices of the polygon. The first point is always connected to the last point.


In Delphi, you can use the Slice function to pass a portion of an array of points to the Polygon method. For example, to form a polygon using the first ten points from an array of 100 points, use the Slice function as follows:


Canvas.Polyline(Slice(PointArray, 10));

To draw a polygon on the canvas and fill it, use the RSGraphics.TVclCanvasHelper.Polygon(TRSPoints)method, specifying the first point a second time at the end.

Namespace: RSGraphics



Type: TRSPoints

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