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CommonInterfaces Namespace

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Contains interfaces for common types of objects used in programming. These are interfaces that many objects could implement and could be used in more than one situation.

The GStreams|TBaseStreamTokenList class implements the IBaseStreamTokenList interface.

public interface


Defines an object that may be cloned and compared against other objects.

public interface


The IDTStreamable interface defines an abstract interface for an object that can be saved and loaded from the Delphi Component streaming system (TReader and TWriter), which are called by the WriteComponent-type methods). If the object also needs to be usable by any stream, it should implement the CommonInterfaces.IStreamable interface instead.


The objects that implement this interface should also call the RegisterClass method to register the object so that the Delphi FindClass method can find the class from its class name.

public interface


The IIntegerLocation interface defines an object which has a location, a point in discrete 3D space. To define an object in continuous 3D space, use the CommonInterfaces.ILocation interface. An example of an object that could easily implement this interface is a TButton, a TEdit, or any Delphi VCL component (Z=0).

public interface


The IInterfaceIterator interface describes an abstract interface for enumerating over a list of interfaces. It effectively hides the underlying implementation, whether a TInterfaceList, a interface hash table or other structure, while still allowing access to all the interfaces stored in the implementation.

The IInterfaceIterator interface is similar to an Enumeration in java.

To use the iterator is simple, get the iterator and then keep calling the     NextElement method until the     HasMoreElements method returns False. The iterator works by giving you the next element until the end of the list, there is no provision for getting the previous element.

public interface


The IIterator interface describes an abstract interface for enumerating over a list of pointers. It effectively hides the underlying implementation, whether a TList, a hash table or other structure, while still allowing access to all the pointers stored in the implementation.

The IIterator interface is similar to an Enumeration in java.

To use the iterator is simple, get the iterator and then keep calling the     NextElement method until the     HasMoreElements method returns False. The iterator works by giving you the next element until the end of the list, there is no provision for getting the previous element.

public interface


The ILocation interface defines an object which has a location, a point in continuous 3D space. To define an object in discrete 3D space, use the IIntegerLocation interface. An example of an object that could easily implement this interface is a TButton, a TEdit, or any Delphi FMX component (Z=0).

public interface


The IObjectIterator interface describes an abstract interface for enumerating over a list of objects. It effectively hides the underlying implementation, whether a TObjectList, a TStrings, a hash table or other structure, while still allowing access to all the objects stored in the implementation.

The IObjectIterator interface is similar to an Enumeration in java.

To use the iterator is simple, get the iterator and then keep calling the     NextElement method until the     HasMoreElements method returns False. The iterator works by giving you the next element until the end of the list, there is no provision for getting the previous element.

public interface


The IStreamable interface defines an abstract interface for an object that saved to a stream and retrieved back from a stream. The object may be saved to any TStream descendant. If the object also needs to be streamable by the Delphi Component (design-time) streaming system (TReader and TWriter objects instead of TStream), it should implement the CommonInterfaces.IDTStreamable interface instead.


The objects that implement this interface should also call the RegisterClass method to register the object so that the Delphi FindClass method can find the class from its class name.

public interface


The IStringIterator interface describes an abstract interface for enumerating over a list of strings. It effectively hides the underlying implementation, whether a TStrings, a string hash table or other structure, while still allowing access to all the strings stored in the implementation.

The IStringIterator interface is similar to an Enumeration in java.

To use the iterator is simple, get the iterator and then keep calling the CommonInterfaces.IStringIterator.NextElement method until the CommonInterfaces.IStringIterator.HasMoreElements method returns False. The iterator works by giving you the next element until the end of the list, there is no provision for getting the previous element.

public interface


The IVector interface defines an interface for an object that represents a 3D vector. It extends the CommonInterfaces.ILocation interface, which just define a point in continuous 3D space, with vector operations.

public interface


Defines an interface for a list of CommonInterfaces.IVector interfaces.


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