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TSVGElement.BoundsRect Property

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Specifies the bounding rectangle (X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height) for the SVG element unmodified by any transformations in the current coordinate system.

The X, Y, Width, and Height properties specify coordinates in virtual pixels of the nearest viewbox, or coordinate system. For example, a TSVGDocument may specify a ViewBox of 0, 0, 100, 100. Specifying an element's X and Y as 50, 50 will always position the element to start in the exact center of the view box. If the TSVGDocument is then drawn to a true pixel rectangle of 1000 pixel width and 500 pixel height, the element would draw at 500, 250 pixels.

To retrieve the "true" bounding rectangle which has been modified by any transformations, use the GetBoundsRect method

The BoundsRect and X/Y/Width/Height properties specify coordinates in virtual pixels of the nearest viewbox, or coordinate system. For example, a TSVGDocument may specify a ViewBox of 0, 0, 100, 100. Specifying an element's X and Y as 50, 50 will always position the element to start in the exact center of the view box. If the TSVGDocument is then drawn to a true pixel rectangle of 1000 pixel width and 500 pixel height, the element would draw at 500, 250 pixels.


Note that this property is before any transformation (i.e., Matrix property) is applied

Namespace: FMX.RS.SVG

Property Value

Type: TSVGRect

RiverSoftAVG Products Help © 1996-2016 Thomas G. Grubb