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Specifies the kind of pen (or stroke brush in FMX) the canvas uses for drawing lines and outlining shapes.

Set Stroke to specify the pen to use for drawing lines and outlining shapes in the image. The value of Stroke is a RSGdiPlusGraphics.TRSGPPen object. Set the properties of the TRSGPPen object to specify the color, fill, style, width, and mode of the pen.


Setting the Stroke property assigns the specified TRSGPPen object, rather than replacing the current TRSPPen object.


The Stroke and Pen property refer to the same TRSGPPen object. Use either one which is more compatible with your code from VCL or FMX

Namespace: RSGdiPlusGraphics

Property Value

Type: TRSGPPen

RiverSoftAVG Products Help © 1996-2016 Thomas G. Grubb