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Defines the floating point node for tree-based genetic programming which can contain an arbitrary number of children. Each node represents one function or terminal (constant, variable) in a genetic program. It has one  Parent (or nil if root node) and 0 or more  Child nodes (terminals have no children).


For the TRSGPFloatNode class, the children are stored in a list. If you restrict your instructions to 2 or less children, it is recommended to use the RSGeneticProgramming.TRSGPBinaryFloatNode as it uses slightly less memory and is slightly faster.

alert_noteNotes to Implementers

The TRSGPFloatNode class was created so that LoadValueFromXML. SaveValueToXML. amd ValueToString methods could be defined (using FloatToStr and StrToFloat).

Namespace: RSGeneticProgramming

RiverSoftAVG Products Help © 1996-2016 Thomas G. Grubb