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Defines one instruction (function, variable, or constant) in the genetic program.


When the instruction executes, it needs no information beyond the nodes and the values passed in, so it may be multi-threaded as long as the values are copied and unless the OnExecute event does something unsafe.

alert_noteNotes to Implementers

The TRSGPVariantInstruction class was created so that LoadValueFromXML and SaveValueToXML methods could be defined. In addition, the OnExecute event handler could be declared published using a instantiated generic type that looks non-generic. Unfortunately, when a published property contains a generic, even an instantiated one (e.g., TRSGPInstruction<Variant>), Delphi will not publish the property and make it available at design-time.

Namespace: RSGeneticProgramming

RiverSoftAVG Products Help © 1996-2016 Thomas G. Grubb