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public property


Returns the actual size of the each bar in pixels. The BarSize is calculated by taking the size of the   ChartRect of the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChartPanel , dividing it by the number of bars, and then using the   BarSizePct of the remainder.

public property


Specifies the size of the bar as a percentage between 1 and 100. The available canvas is divided by the number of bars in the bar chart to obtain the maximum size of each individual bar. Then, the BarSizePct specifies the size of the bar as a percentage of this maximum size.

public property


Specifies the style, or shape, of the bars in the bar chart. Use this property to specify the shape of all the bars in the bar chart.

public property


Specifies the direction the bars are displayed in the bar chart. The default orientation is boVertical.

public property


Controls whether the bar chart uses the Origin property as its baseline bar chart value.

published property


Contains all the bars in the bar chart. Each item ( FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSBarChartValue ) specifies one bar and its properties, including Value, Color, and Caption. Use the Values collection to add, delete, and modify bars in the chart.


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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb